nips nips2012 nips2012-54 nips2012-54-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

54 nips-2012-Bayesian Probabilistic Co-Subspace Addition

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Author: Lei Shi

Abstract: For modeling data matrices, this paper introduces Probabilistic Co-Subspace Addition (PCSA) model by simultaneously capturing the dependent structures among both rows and columns. Briefly, PCSA assumes that each entry of a matrix is generated by the additive combination of the linear mappings of two low-dimensional features, which distribute in the row-wise and column-wise latent subspaces respectively. In consequence, PCSA captures the dependencies among entries intricately, and is able to handle non-Gaussian and heteroscedastic densities. By formulating the posterior updating into the task of solving Sylvester equations, we propose an efficient variational inference algorithm. Furthermore, PCSA is extended to tackling and filling missing values, to adapting model sparseness, and to modelling tensor data. In comparison with several state-of-art methods, experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of Bayesian (sparse) PCSA on modeling matrix (tensor) data and filling missing values.

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