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44 nips-2012-Approximating Concavely Parameterized Optimization Problems

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Author: Joachim Giesen, Jens Mueller, Soeren Laue, Sascha Swiercy

Abstract: We consider an abstract class of optimization problems that are parameterized concavely in a single parameter, and show that the solution path along the √ parameter can always be approximated with accuracy ε > 0 by a set of size O(1/ ε). A √ lower bound of size Ω(1/ ε) shows that the upper bound is tight up to a constant factor. We also devise an algorithm that calls a step-size oracle and computes an √ approximate path of size O(1/ ε). Finally, we provide an implementation of the oracle for soft-margin support vector machines, and a parameterized semi-definite program for matrix completion. 1

reference text

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