nips nips2011 nips2011-295 nips2011-295-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Siwei Lyu
Abstract: When used to learn high dimensional parametric probabilistic models, the classical maximum likelihood (ML) learning often suffers from computational intractability, which motivates the active developments of non-ML learning methods. Yet, because of their divergent motivations and forms, the objective functions of many non-ML learning methods are seemingly unrelated, and there lacks a unified framework to understand them. In this work, based on an information geometric view of parametric learning, we introduce a general non-ML learning principle termed as minimum KL contraction, where we seek optimal parameters that minimizes the contraction of the KL divergence between the two distributions after they are transformed with a KL contraction operator. We then show that the objective functions of several important or recently developed non-ML learning methods, including contrastive divergence [12], noise-contrastive estimation [11], partial likelihood [7], non-local contrastive objectives [31], score matching [14], pseudo-likelihood [3], maximum conditional likelihood [17], maximum mutual information [2], maximum marginal likelihood [9], and conditional and marginal composite likelihood [24], can be unified under the minimum KL contraction framework with different choices of the KL contraction operators. 1
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