nips nips2011 nips2011-281 nips2011-281-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

281 nips-2011-The Doubly Correlated Nonparametric Topic Model

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Author: Dae I. Kim, Erik B. Sudderth

Abstract: Topic models are learned via a statistical model of variation within document collections, but designed to extract meaningful semantic structure. Desirable traits include the ability to incorporate annotations or metadata associated with documents; the discovery of correlated patterns of topic usage; and the avoidance of parametric assumptions, such as manual specification of the number of topics. We propose a doubly correlated nonparametric topic (DCNT) model, the first model to simultaneously capture all three of these properties. The DCNT models metadata via a flexible, Gaussian regression on arbitrary input features; correlations via a scalable square-root covariance representation; and nonparametric selection from an unbounded series of potential topics via a stick-breaking construction. We validate the semantic structure and predictive performance of the DCNT using a corpus of NIPS documents annotated by various metadata. 1

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