nips nips2011 nips2011-274 nips2011-274-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Shulin Yang, Ali Rahimi
Abstract: We describe a family of global optimization procedures that automatically decompose optimization problems into smaller loosely coupled problems. The solutions of these are subsequently combined with message passing algorithms. We show empirically that these methods produce better solutions with fewer function evaluations than existing global optimization methods. To develop these methods, we introduce a notion of coupling between variables of optimization. This notion of coupling generalizes the notion of independence between random variables in statistics, sparseness of the Hessian in nonlinear optimization, and the generalized distributive law. Despite its generality, this notion of coupling is easier to verify empirically, making structure estimation easy, while allowing us to migrate well-established inference methods on graphical models to the setting of global optimization. 1
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