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265 nips-2011-Sparse recovery by thresholded non-negative least squares

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Author: Martin Slawski, Matthias Hein

Abstract: Non-negative data are commonly encountered in numerous fields, making nonnegative least squares regression (NNLS) a frequently used tool. At least relative to its simplicity, it often performs rather well in practice. Serious doubts about its usefulness arise for modern high-dimensional linear models. Even in this setting − unlike first intuition may suggest − we show that for a broad class of designs, NNLS is resistant to overfitting and works excellently for sparse recovery when combined with thresholding, experimentally even outperforming 1 regularization. Since NNLS also circumvents the delicate choice of a regularization parameter, our findings suggest that NNLS may be the method of choice. 1

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