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226 nips-2011-Projection onto A Nonnegative Max-Heap

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Author: Jun Liu, Liang Sun, Jieping Ye

Abstract: We consider the problem of computing the Euclidean projection of a vector of length p onto a non-negative max-heap—an ordered tree where the values of the nodes are all nonnegative and the value of any parent node is no less than the value(s) of its child node(s). This Euclidean projection plays a building block role in the optimization problem with a non-negative maxheap constraint. Such a constraint is desirable when the features follow an ordered tree structure, that is, a given feature is selected for the given regression/classification task only if its parent node is selected. In this paper, we show that such Euclidean projection problem admits an analytical solution and we develop a top-down algorithm where the key operation is to find the so-called maximal root-tree of the subtree rooted at each node. A naive approach for finding the maximal root-tree is to enumerate all the possible root-trees, which, however, does not scale well. We reveal several important properties of the maximal root-tree, based on which we design a bottom-up algorithm with merge for efficiently finding the maximal roottree. The proposed algorithm has a (worst-case) linear time complexity for a sequential list, and O(p2 ) for a general tree. We report simulation results showing the effectiveness of the max-heap for regression with an ordered tree structure. Empirical results show that the proposed algorithm has an expected linear time complexity for many special cases including a sequential list, a full binary tree, and a tree with depth 1. 1

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