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198 nips-2011-On U-processes and clustering performance

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Author: Stéphan J. Clémençcon

Abstract: Many clustering techniques aim at optimizing empirical criteria that are of the form of a U -statistic of degree two. Given a measure of dissimilarity between pairs of observations, the goal is to minimize the within cluster point scatter over a class of partitions of the feature space. It is the purpose of this paper to define a general statistical framework, relying on the theory of U -processes, for studying the performance of such clustering methods. In this setup, under adequate assumptions on the complexity of the subsets forming the partition candidates, the √ excess of clustering risk is proved to be of the order OP (1/ n). Based on recent results related to the tail behavior of degenerate U -processes, it is also shown how to establish tighter rate bounds. Model selection issues, related to the number of clusters forming the data partition in particular, are also considered. 1

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