nips nips2011 nips2011-193 nips2011-193-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

193 nips-2011-Object Detection with Grammar Models

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Author: Ross B. Girshick, Pedro F. Felzenszwalb, David A. McAllester

Abstract: Compositional models provide an elegant formalism for representing the visual appearance of highly variable objects. While such models are appealing from a theoretical point of view, it has been difficult to demonstrate that they lead to performance advantages on challenging datasets. Here we develop a grammar model for person detection and show that it outperforms previous high-performance systems on the PASCAL benchmark. Our model represents people using a hierarchy of deformable parts, variable structure and an explicit model of occlusion for partially visible objects. To train the model, we introduce a new discriminative framework for learning structured prediction models from weakly-labeled data. 1

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