nips nips2011 nips2011-146 nips2011-146-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Shilin Ding, Grace Wahba, Xiaojin Zhu
Abstract: In discrete undirected graphical models, the conditional independence of node labels Y is specified by the graph structure. We study the case where there is another input random vector X (e.g. observed features) such that the distribution P (Y | X) is determined by functions of X that characterize the (higher-order) interactions among the Y ’s. The main contribution of this paper is to learn the graph structure and the functions conditioned on X at the same time. We prove that discrete undirected graphical models with feature X are equivalent to multivariate discrete models. The reparameterization of the potential functions in graphical models by conditional log odds ratios of the latter offers advantages in representation of the conditional independence structure. The functional spaces can be flexibly determined by kernels. Additionally, we impose a Structure Lasso (SLasso) penalty on groups of functions to learn the graph structure. These groups with overlaps are designed to enforce hierarchical function selection. In this way, we are able to shrink higher order interactions to obtain a sparse graph structure. 1
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