nips nips2011 nips2011-116 nips2011-116-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

116 nips-2011-Hierarchically Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation

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Author: Adler J. Perotte, Frank Wood, Noemie Elhadad, Nicholas Bartlett

Abstract: We introduce hierarchically supervised latent Dirichlet allocation (HSLDA), a model for hierarchically and multiply labeled bag-of-word data. Examples of such data include web pages and their placement in directories, product descriptions and associated categories from product hierarchies, and free-text clinical records and their assigned diagnosis codes. Out-of-sample label prediction is the primary goal of this work, but improved lower-dimensional representations of the bagof-word data are also of interest. We demonstrate HSLDA on large-scale data from clinical document labeling and retail product categorization tasks. We show that leveraging the structure from hierarchical labels improves out-of-sample label prediction substantially when compared to models that do not. 1

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