nips nips2011 nips2011-81 nips2011-81-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

81 nips-2011-Efficient anomaly detection using bipartite k-NN graphs

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Author: Kumar Sricharan, Alfred O. Hero

Abstract: Learning minimum volume sets of an underlying nominal distribution is a very effective approach to anomaly detection. Several approaches to learning minimum volume sets have been proposed in the literature, including the K-point nearest neighbor graph (K-kNNG) algorithm based on the geometric entropy minimization (GEM) principle [4]. The K-kNNG detector, while possessing several desirable characteristics, suffers from high computation complexity, and in [4] a simpler heuristic approximation, the leave-one-out kNNG (L1O-kNNG) was proposed. In this paper, we propose a novel bipartite k-nearest neighbor graph (BPkNNG) anomaly detection scheme for estimating minimum volume sets. Our bipartite estimator retains all the desirable theoretical properties of the K-kNNG, while being computationally simpler than the K-kNNG and the surrogate L1OkNNG detectors. We show that BP-kNNG is asymptotically consistent in recovering the p-value of each test point. Experimental results are given that illustrate the superior performance of BP-kNNG as compared to the L1O-kNNG and other state of the art anomaly detection schemes.

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