nips nips2011 nips2011-62 nips2011-62-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Duy Q. Vu, David Hunter, Padhraic Smyth, Arthur U. Asuncion
Abstract: The development of statistical models for continuous-time longitudinal network data is of increasing interest in machine learning and social science. Leveraging ideas from survival and event history analysis, we introduce a continuous-time regression modeling framework for network event data that can incorporate both time-dependent network statistics and time-varying regression coefficients. We also develop an efficient inference scheme that allows our approach to scale to large networks. On synthetic and real-world data, empirical results demonstrate that the proposed inference approach can accurately estimate the coefficients of the regression model, which is useful for interpreting the evolution of the network; furthermore, the learned model has systematically better predictive performance compared to standard baseline methods.
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