nips nips2010 nips2010-289 nips2010-289-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Ping Li, Arnd Konig, Wenhao Gui
Abstract: Computing1 two-way and multi-way set similarities is a fundamental problem. This study focuses on estimating 3-way resemblance (Jaccard similarity) using b-bit minwise hashing. While traditional minwise hashing methods store each hashed value using 64 bits, b-bit minwise hashing only stores the lowest b bits (where b ≥ 2 for 3-way). The extension to 3-way similarity from the prior work on 2-way similarity is technically non-trivial. We develop the precise estimator which is accurate and very complicated; and we recommend a much simplified estimator suitable for sparse data. Our analysis shows that b-bit minwise hashing can normally achieve a 10 to 25-fold improvement in the storage space required for a given estimator accuracy of the 3-way resemblance. 1
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