nips nips2010 nips2010-251 nips2010-251-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

251 nips-2010-Sphere Embedding: An Application to Part-of-Speech Induction

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Author: Yariv Maron, Elie Bienenstock, Michael James

Abstract: Motivated by an application to unsupervised part-of-speech tagging, we present an algorithm for the Euclidean embedding of large sets of categorical data based on co-occurrence statistics. We use the CODE model of Globerson et al. but constrain the embedding to lie on a hig hdimensional unit sphere. This constraint allows for efficient optimization, even in the case of large datasets and high embedding dimensionality. Using k-means clustering of the embedded data, our approach efficiently produces state-of-the-art results. We analyze the reasons why the sphere constraint is beneficial in this application, and conjecture that these reasons might apply quite generally to other large-scale tasks. 1 In trod u cti on The embedding of objects in a low-dimensional Euclidean space is a form of dimensionality reduction that has been used in the past mostly to create 2D representations of data for the purpose of visualization and exploratory data analysis [10, 13]. Most methods work on objects of a single type, endowed with a measure of similarity. Other methods, such as [ 3], embed objects of heterogeneous types, based on their co-occurrence statistics. In this paper we demonstrate that the latter can be successfully applied to unsupervised part-of-speech (POS) induction, an extensively studied, challenging, problem in natural language processing [1, 4, 5, 6, 7]. The problem we address is distributional POS tagging, in which words are to be tagged based on the statistics of their immediate left and right context in a corpus (ignoring morphology and other features). The induction task is fully unsupervised, i.e., it uses no annotations. This task has been addressed in the past using a variety of methods. Some approaches, such as [1], combine a Markovian assumption with clustering. Many recent works use HMMs, perhaps due to their excellent performance on the supervised version of the task [7, 2, 5]. Using a latent-descriptor clustering approach, [15] obtain the best results to date for distributional-only unsupervised POS tagging of the widely-used WSJ corpus. Using a heterogeneous-data embedding approach for this task, we define separate embedding functions for the objects

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