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221 nips-2010-Random Projections for $k$-means Clustering

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Author: Christos Boutsidis, Anastasios Zouzias, Petros Drineas

Abstract: This paper discusses the topic of dimensionality reduction for k-means clustering. We prove that any set of n points in d dimensions (rows in a matrix A ∈ Rn×d ) can be projected into t = Ω(k/ε2 ) dimensions, for any ε ∈ (0, 1/3), in O(nd⌈ε−2 k/ log(d)⌉) time, such that with constant probability the optimal k-partition of the point set is preserved within a factor of 2 + √ The projection is done ε. √ by post-multiplying A with a d × t random matrix R having entries +1/ t or −1/ t with equal probability. A numerical implementation of our technique and experiments on a large face images dataset verify the speed and the accuracy of our theoretical results.

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