nips nips2010 nips2010-144 nips2010-144-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Vibhav Gogate, William Webb, Pedro Domingos
Abstract: We present an algorithm for learning high-treewidth Markov networks where inference is still tractable. This is made possible by exploiting context-specific independence and determinism in the domain. The class of models our algorithm can learn has the same desirable properties as thin junction trees: polynomial inference, closed-form weight learning, etc., but is much broader. Our algorithm searches for a feature that divides the state space into subspaces where the remaining variables decompose into independent subsets (conditioned on the feature and its negation) and recurses on each subspace/subset of variables until no useful new features can be found. We provide probabilistic performance guarantees for our algorithm under the assumption that the maximum feature length is bounded by a constant k (the treewidth can be much larger) and dependences are of bounded strength. We also propose a greedy version of the algorithm that, while forgoing these guarantees, is much more efficient. Experiments on a variety of domains show that our approach outperforms many state-of-the-art Markov network structure learners. 1
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