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99 nips-2010-Gated Softmax Classification

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Author: Roland Memisevic, Christopher Zach, Marc Pollefeys, Geoffrey E. Hinton

Abstract: We describe a ”log-bilinear” model that computes class probabilities by combining an input vector multiplicatively with a vector of binary latent variables. Even though the latent variables can take on exponentially many possible combinations of values, we can efficiently compute the exact probability of each class by marginalizing over the latent variables. This makes it possible to get the exact gradient of the log likelihood. The bilinear score-functions are defined using a three-dimensional weight tensor, and we show that factorizing this tensor allows the model to encode invariances inherent in a task by learning a dictionary of invariant basis functions. Experiments on a set of benchmark problems show that this fully probabilistic model can achieve classification performance that is competitive with (kernel) SVMs, backpropagation, and deep belief nets. 1

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