nips nips2010 nips2010-33 nips2010-33-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Manfred Opper, Andreas Ruttor, Guido Sanguinetti
Abstract: We present a novel approach to inference in conditionally Gaussian continuous time stochastic processes, where the latent process is a Markovian jump process. We first consider the case of jump-diffusion processes, where the drift of a linear stochastic differential equation can jump at arbitrary time points. We derive partial differential equations for exact inference and present a very efficient mean field approximation. By introducing a novel lower bound on the free energy, we then generalise our approach to Gaussian processes with arbitrary covariance, such as the non-Markovian RBF covariance. We present results on both simulated and real data, showing that the approach is very accurate in capturing latent dynamics and can be useful in a number of real data modelling tasks.
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