nips nips2009 nips2009-223 nips2009-223-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

223 nips-2009-Sparse Metric Learning via Smooth Optimization

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Author: Yiming Ying, Kaizhu Huang, Colin Campbell

Abstract: In this paper we study the problem of learning a low-rank (sparse) distance matrix. We propose a novel metric learning model which can simultaneously conduct dimension reduction and learn a distance matrix. The sparse representation involves a mixed-norm regularization which is non-convex. We then show that it can be equivalently formulated as a convex saddle (min-max) problem. From this saddle representation, we develop an efficient smooth optimization approach [17] for sparse metric learning, although the learning model is based on a nondifferentiable loss function. Finally, we run experiments to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our sparse metric learning model on various datasets.

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