nips nips2009 nips2009-140 nips2009-140-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

140 nips-2009-Linearly constrained Bayesian matrix factorization for blind source separation

Source: pdf

Author: Mikkel Schmidt

Abstract: We present a general Bayesian approach to probabilistic matrix factorization subject to linear constraints. The approach is based on a Gaussian observation model and Gaussian priors with bilinear equality and inequality constraints. We present an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo inference procedure based on Gibbs sampling. Special cases of the proposed model are Bayesian formulations of nonnegative matrix factorization and factor analysis. The method is evaluated on a blind source separation problem. We demonstrate that our algorithm can be used to extract meaningful and interpretable features that are remarkably different from features extracted using existing related matrix factorization techniques.

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