nips nips2009 nips2009-87 nips2009-87-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: James Petterson, Jin Yu, Julian J. Mcauley, Tibério S. Caetano
Abstract: We present a method for learning max-weight matching predictors in bipartite graphs. The method consists of performing maximum a posteriori estimation in exponential families with sufficient statistics that encode permutations and data features. Although inference is in general hard, we show that for one very relevant application–document ranking–exact inference is efficient. For general model instances, an appropriate sampler is readily available. Contrary to existing max-margin matching models, our approach is statistically consistent and, in addition, experiments with increasing sample sizes indicate superior improvement over such models. We apply the method to graph matching in computer vision as well as to a standard benchmark dataset for learning document ranking, in which we obtain state-of-the-art results, in particular improving on max-margin variants. The drawback of this method with respect to max-margin alternatives is its runtime for large graphs, which is comparatively high. 1
em we are given a set of queries {qk } and, for each query qk , a list of D(k) documents
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