nips nips2009 nips2009-75 nips2009-75-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Ryan Mcdonald, Mehryar Mohri, Nathan Silberman, Dan Walker, Gideon S. Mann
Abstract: Training conditional maximum entropy models on massive data sets requires significant computational resources. We examine three common distributed training methods for conditional maxent: a distributed gradient computation method, a majority vote method, and a mixture weight method. We analyze and compare the CPU and network time complexity of each of these methods and present a theoretical analysis of conditional maxent models, including a study of the convergence of the mixture weight method, the most resource-efficient technique. We also report the results of large-scale experiments comparing these three methods which demonstrate the benefits of the mixture weight method: this method consumes less resources, while achieving a performance comparable to that of standard approaches.
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