nips nips2009 nips2009-65 nips2009-65-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

65 nips-2009-Decoupling Sparsity and Smoothness in the Discrete Hierarchical Dirichlet Process

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Author: Chong Wang, David M. Blei

Abstract: We present a nonparametric hierarchical Bayesian model of document collections that decouples sparsity and smoothness in the component distributions (i.e., the “topics”). In the sparse topic model (sparseTM), each topic is represented by a bank of selector variables that determine which terms appear in the topic. Thus each topic is associated with a subset of the vocabulary, and topic smoothness is modeled on this subset. We develop an efficient Gibbs sampler for the sparseTM that includes a general-purpose method for sampling from a Dirichlet mixture with a combinatorial number of components. We demonstrate the sparseTM on four real-world datasets. Compared to traditional approaches, the empirical results will show that sparseTMs give better predictive performance with simpler inferred models. 1

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