nips nips2008 nips2008-194 nips2008-194-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Ted Sandler, John Blitzer, Partha P. Talukdar, Lyle H. Ungar
Abstract: For many supervised learning problems, we possess prior knowledge about which features yield similar information about the target variable. In predicting the topic of a document, we might know that two words are synonyms, and when performing image recognition, we know which pixels are adjacent. Such synonymous or neighboring features are near-duplicates and should be expected to have similar weights in an accurate model. Here we present a framework for regularized learning when one has prior knowledge about which features are expected to have similar and dissimilar weights. The prior knowledge is encoded as a network whose vertices are features and whose edges represent similarities and dissimilarities between them. During learning, each feature’s weight is penalized by the amount it differs from the average weight of its neighbors. For text classification, regularization using networks of word co-occurrences outperforms manifold learning and compares favorably to other recently proposed semi-supervised learning methods. For sentiment analysis, feature networks constructed from declarative human knowledge significantly improve prediction accuracy. 1
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