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84 nips-2008-Fast Prediction on a Tree

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Author: Mark Herbster, Massimiliano Pontil, Sergio R. Galeano

Abstract: Given an n-vertex weighted tree with structural diameter S and a subset of m vertices, we present a technique to compute a corresponding m × m Gram matrix of the pseudoinverse of the graph Laplacian in O(n + m2 + mS) time. We discuss the application of this technique to fast label prediction on a generic graph. We approximate the graph with a spanning tree and then we predict with the kernel perceptron. We address the approximation of the graph with either a minimum spanning tree or a shortest path tree. The fast computation of the pseudoinverse enables us to address prediction problems on large graphs. We present experiments on two web-spam classification tasks, one of which includes a graph with 400,000 vertices and more than 10,000,000 edges. The results indicate that the accuracy of our technique is competitive with previous methods using the full graph information. 1

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