nips nips2007 nips2007-115 nips2007-115-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Nicolas L. Roux, Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Lamblin, Marc Joliveau, Balázs Kégl
Abstract: We study the following question: is the two-dimensional structure of images a very strong prior or is it something that can be learned with a few examples of natural images? If someone gave us a learning task involving images for which the two-dimensional topology of pixels was not known, could we discover it automatically and exploit it? For example suppose that the pixels had been permuted in a fixed but unknown way, could we recover the relative two-dimensional location of pixels on images? The surprising result presented here is that not only the answer is yes, but that about as few as a thousand images are enough to approximately recover the relative locations of about a thousand pixels. This is achieved using a manifold learning algorithm applied to pixels associated with a measure of distributional similarity between pixel intensities. We compare different topologyextraction approaches and show how having the two-dimensional topology can be exploited.
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