nips nips2006 nips2006-170 nips2006-170-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Ashutosh Saxena, Justin Driemeyer, Justin Kearns, Andrew Y. Ng
Abstract: We consider the problem of grasping novel objects, specifically ones that are being seen for the first time through vision. We present a learning algorithm that neither requires, nor tries to build, a 3-d model of the object. Instead it predicts, directly as a function of the images, a point at which to grasp the object. Our algorithm is trained via supervised learning, using synthetic images for the training set. We demonstrate on a robotic manipulation platform that this approach successfully grasps a wide variety of objects, such as wine glasses, duct tape, markers, a translucent box, jugs, knife-cutters, cellphones, keys, screwdrivers, staplers, toothbrushes, a thick coil of wire, a strangely shaped power horn, and others, none of which were seen in the training set. 1
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