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199 nips-2005-Value Function Approximation with Diffusion Wavelets and Laplacian Eigenfunctions

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Author: Sridhar Mahadevan, Mauro Maggioni

Abstract: We investigate the problem of automatically constructing efficient representations or basis functions for approximating value functions based on analyzing the structure and topology of the state space. In particular, two novel approaches to value function approximation are explored based on automatically constructing basis functions on state spaces that can be represented as graphs or manifolds: one approach uses the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian, in effect performing a global Fourier analysis on the graph; the second approach is based on diffusion wavelets, which generalize classical wavelets to graphs using multiscale dilations induced by powers of a diffusion operator or random walk on the graph. Together, these approaches form the foundation of a new generation of methods for solving large Markov decision processes, in which the underlying representation and policies are simultaneously learned.

reference text

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