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124 nips-2004-Multiple Alignment of Continuous Time Series

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Author: Jennifer Listgarten, Radford M. Neal, Sam T. Roweis, Andrew Emili

Abstract: Multiple realizations of continuous-valued time series from a stochastic process often contain systematic variations in rate and amplitude. To leverage the information contained in such noisy replicate sets, we need to align them in an appropriate way (for example, to allow the data to be properly combined by adaptive averaging). We present the Continuous Profile Model (CPM), a generative model in which each observed time series is a non-uniformly subsampled version of a single latent trace, to which local rescaling and additive noise are applied. After unsupervised training, the learned trace represents a canonical, high resolution fusion of all the replicates. As well, an alignment in time and scale of each observation to this trace can be found by inference in the model. We apply CPM to successfully align speech signals from multiple speakers and sets of Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry proteomic data. 1 A Profile Model for Continuous Data When observing multiple time series generated by a noisy, stochastic process, large systematic sources of variability are often present. For example, within a set of nominally replicate time series, the time axes can be variously shifted, compressed and expanded, in complex, non-linear ways. Additionally, in some circumstances, the scale of the measured data can vary systematically from one replicate to the next, and even within a given replicate. We propose a Continuous Profile Model (CPM) for simultaneously analyzing a set of such time series. In this model, each time series is generated as a noisy transformation of a single latent trace. The latent trace is an underlying, noiseless representation of the set of replicated, observable time series. Output time series are generated from this model by moving through a sequence of hidden states in a Markovian manner and emitting an observable value at each step, as in an HMM. Each hidden state corresponds to a particular location in the latent trace, and the emitted value from the state depends on the value of the latent trace at that position. To account for changes in the amplitude of the signals across and within replicates, the latent time states are augmented by a set of scale states, which control how the emission signal will be scaled relative to the value of the latent trace. During training, the latent trace is learned, as well as the transition probabilities controlling the Markovian evolution of the scale and time states and the overall noise level of the observed data. After training, the latent trace learned by the model represents a higher resolution ’fusion’ of the experimental replicates. Figure 1 illustrate the model in action. Unaligned, Linear Warp Alignment and CPM Alignment Amplitude 40 30 20 10 0 50 Amplitude 40 30 20 10 Amplitude 0 30 20 10 0 Time a) b) Figure 1: a) Top: ten replicated speech energy signals as described in Section 4), Middle: same signals, aligned using a linear warp with an offset, Bottom: aligned with CPM (the learned latent trace is also shown in cyan). b) Speech waveforms corresponding to energy signals in a), Top: unaligned originals, Bottom: aligned using CPM. 2 Defining the Continuous Profile Model (CPM) The CPM is generative model for a set of K time series, xk = (xk , xk , ..., xk k ). The 1 2 N temporal sampling rate within each xk need not be uniform, nor must it be the same across the different xk . Constraints on the variability of the sampling rate are discussed at the end of this section. For notational convenience, we henceforth assume N k = N for all k, but this is not a requirement of the model. The CPM is set up as follows: We assume that there is a latent trace, z = (z1 , z2 , ..., zM ), a canonical representation of the set of noisy input replicate time series. Any given observed time series in the set is modeled as a non-uniformly subsampled version of the latent trace to which local scale transformations have been applied. Ideally, M would be infinite, or at least very large relative to N so that any experimental data could be mapped precisely to the correct underlying trace point. Aside from the computational impracticalities this would pose, great care to avoid overfitting would have to be taken. Thus in practice, we have used M = (2 + )N (double the resolution, plus some slack on each end) in our experiments and found this to be sufficient with < 0.2. Because the resolution of the latent trace is higher than that of the observed time series, experimental time can be made effectively to speed up or slow down by advancing along the latent trace in larger or smaller jumps. The subsampling and local scaling used during the generation of each observed time series are determined by a sequence of hidden state variables. Let the state sequence for observation k be π k . Each state in the state sequence maps to a time state/scale state pair: k πi → {τik , φk }. Time states belong to the integer set (1..M ); scale states belong to an i ordered set (φ1 ..φQ ). (In our experiments we have used Q=7, evenly spaced scales in k logarithmic space). States, πi , and observation values, xk , are related by the emission i k probability distribution: Aπi (xk |z) ≡ p(xk |πi , z, σ, uk ) ≡ N (xk ; zτik φk uk , σ), where σ k i i i i is the noise level of the observed data, N (a; b, c) denotes a Gaussian probability density for a with mean b and standard deviation c. The uk are real-valued scale parameters, one per observed time series, that correct for any overall scale difference between time series k and the latent trace. To fully specify our model we also need to define the state transition probabilities. We define the transitions between time states and between scale states separately, so that k Tπi−1 ,πi ≡ p(πi |πi−1 ) = p(φi |φi−1 )pk (τi |τi−1 ). The constraint that time must move forward, cannot stand still, and that it can jump ahead no more than Jτ time states is enforced. (In our experiments we used Jτ = 3.) As well, we only allow scale state transitions between neighbouring scale states so that the local scale cannot jump arbitrarily. These constraints keep the number of legal transitions to a tractable computational size and work well in practice. Each observed time series has its own time transition probability distribution to account for experiment-specific patterns. Both the time and scale transition probability distributions are given by multinomials:  dk , if a − b = 1  1  k  d2 , if a − b = 2   k . p (τi = a|τi−1 = b) = . .  k d , if a − b = J  τ  Jτ  0, otherwise p(φi = a|φi−1  s0 , if D(a, b) = 0   s1 , if D(a, b) = 1 = b) =  s1 , if D(a, b) = −1  0, otherwise where D(a, b) = 1 means that a is one scale state larger than b, and D(a, b) = −1 means that a is one scale state smaller than b, and D(a, b) = 0 means that a = b. The distributions Jτ are constrained by: i=1 dk = 1 and 2s1 + s0 = 1. i Jτ determines the maximum allowable instantaneous speedup of one portion of a time series relative to another portion, within the same series or across different series. However, the length of time for which any series can move so rapidly is constrained by the length of the latent trace; thus the maximum overall ratio in speeds achievable by the model between any two entire time series is given by min(Jτ , M ). N After training, one may examine either the latent trace or the alignment of each observable time series to the latent trace. Such alignments can be achieved by several methods, including use of the Viterbi algorithm to find the highest likelihood path through the hidden states [1], or sampling from the posterior over hidden state sequences. We found Viterbi alignments to work well in the experiments below; samples from the posterior looked quite similar. 3 Training with the Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm As with HMMs, training with the EM algorithm (often referred to as Baum-Welch in the context of HMMs [1]), is a natural choice. In our model the E-Step is computed exactly using the Forward-Backward algorithm [1], which provides the posterior probability over k states for each time point of every observed time series, γs (i) ≡ p(πi = s|x) and also the pairwise state posteriors, ξs,t (i) ≡ p(πi−1 = s, πi = t|xk ). The algorithm is modified only in that the emission probabilities depend on the latent trace as described in Section 2. The M-Step consists of a series of analytical updates to the various parameters as detailed below. Given the latent trace (and the emission and state transition probabilities), the complete log likelihood of K observed time series, xk , is given by Lp ≡ L + P. L is the likelihood term arising in a (conditional) HMM model, and can be obtained from the Forward-Backward algorithm. It is composed of the emission and state transition terms. P is the log prior (or penalty term), regularizing various aspects of the model parameters as explained below. These two terms are: K N N L≡ log Aπi (xk |z) + i log p(π1 ) + τ −1 K (zj+1 − zj )2 + P ≡ −λ (1) i=2 i=1 k=1 k log Tπi−1 ,πi j=1 k log D(dk |{ηv }) + log D(sv |{ηv }), v (2) k=1 where p(π1 ) are priors over the initial states. The first term in Equation 2 is a smoothing k penalty on the latent trace, with λ controlling the amount of smoothing. ηv and ηv are Dirichlet hyperprior parameters for the time and scale state transition probability distributions respectively. These ensure that all non-zero transition probabilities remain non-zero. k For the time state transitions, v ∈ {1, Jτ } and ηv corresponds to the pseudo-count data for k the parameters d1 , d2 . . . dJτ . For the scale state transitions, v ∈ {0, 1} and ηv corresponds to the pseudo-count data for the parameters s0 and s1 . Letting S be the total number of possible states, that is, the number of elements in the cross-product of possible time states and possible scale states, the expected complete log likelihood is: K S K p k k γs (1) log T0,s

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