nips nips2004 nips2004-122 nips2004-122-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

122 nips-2004-Modelling Uncertainty in the Game of Go

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Author: David H. Stern, Thore Graepel, David MacKay

Abstract: Go is an ancient oriental game whose complexity has defeated attempts to automate it. We suggest using probability in a Bayesian sense to model the uncertainty arising from the vast complexity of the game tree. We present a simple conditional Markov random field model for predicting the pointwise territory outcome of a game. The topology of the model reflects the spatial structure of the Go board. We describe a version of the Swendsen-Wang process for sampling from the model during learning and apply loopy belief propagation for rapid inference and prediction. The model is trained on several hundred records of professional games. Our experimental results indicate that the model successfully learns to predict territory despite its simplicity. 1

reference text

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