nips nips2003 nips2003-169 nips2003-169-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Mark A. Paskin
Abstract: Rao–Blackwellization is an approximation technique for probabilistic inference that flexibly combines exact inference with sampling. It is useful in models where conditioning on some of the variables leaves a simpler inference problem that can be solved tractably. This paper presents Sample Propagation, an efficient implementation of Rao–Blackwellized approximate inference for a large class of models. Sample Propagation tightly integrates sampling with message passing in a junction tree, and is named for its simple, appealing structure: it walks the clusters of a junction tree, sampling some of the current cluster’s variables and then passing a message to one of its neighbors. We discuss the application of Sample Propagation to conditional Gaussian inference problems such as switching linear dynamical systems. 1
X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2 XT ... YT ZT ... (a) X1, X2, X2, X3, Z1, Z2 XT - 1, XT, ... Z2, Z3 Z T - 1, Z T (b) Assumed Density Filtering Sample Propagation Gibbs Sampling 9 average position error Lauritzen’s algorithm is intractable in this case because any strongly rooted junction tree for this network must have a cluster containing all of the discrete variables [3, Thm. 3.18]. Therefore, instead of comparing our approximate position estimates to the correct answer, we sampled a trajectory from the network and computed the average position error to the (unobserved) ground truth. Both Gibbs sampling and Sample Propagation were run with a forwards–backwards sampling schedule; Sample Propagation used the junction tree of Figure 2(b).6 Both algorithms were started in the same state and both were allowed to “burn in” for five forwards–backwards passes. We repeated this 10 times and averaged the results over trials. Figure 2(c) shows that Sample Propagation converged much more quickly than Gibbs sampling. Also, Sample Propagation found better answers than Assumed Density Filtering (a standard algorithm for this problem), but at increased computational cost. 8 7 6 5 4 3 5 10 6 7 8 10 10 10 floating point operations 9 10 (c) Figure 2: The TRACKING example.
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