nips nips2003 nips2003-168 nips2003-168-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Song Wang, Toshiro Kubota, Jeffrey M. Siskind
Abstract: This paper presents a novel graph-theoretic approach, named ratio contour, to extract perceptually salient boundaries from a set of noisy boundary fragments detected in real images. The boundary saliency is defined using the Gestalt laws of closure, proximity, and continuity. This paper first constructs an undirected graph with two different sets of edges: solid edges and dashed edges. The weights of solid and dashed edges measure the local saliency in and between boundary fragments, respectively. Then the most salient boundary is detected by searching for an optimal cycle in this graph with minimum average weight. The proposed approach guarantees the global optimality without introducing any biases related to region area or boundary length. We collect a variety of images for testing the proposed approach with encouraging results. 1
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