nips nips2003 nips2003-92 nips2003-92-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Gal Chechik, Amir Globerson, Naftali Tishby, Yair Weiss
Abstract: The problem of extracting the relevant aspects of data was addressed through the information bottleneck (IB) method, by (soft) clustering one variable while preserving information about another - relevance - variable. An interesting question addressed in the current work is the extension of these ideas to obtain continuous representations that preserve relevant information, rather than discrete clusters. We give a formal definition of the general continuous IB problem and obtain an analytic solution for the optimal representation for the important case of multivariate Gaussian variables. The obtained optimal representation is a noisy linear projection to eigenvectors of the normalized correlation matrix Σx|y Σ−1 , which x is also the basis obtained in Canonical Correlation Analysis. However, in Gaussian IB, the compression tradeoff parameter uniquely determines the dimension, as well as the scale of each eigenvector. This introduces a novel interpretation where solutions of different ranks lie on a continuum parametrized by the compression level. Our analysis also provides an analytic expression for the optimal tradeoff - the information curve - in terms of the eigenvalue spectrum. 1
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