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21 nips-2003-An Autonomous Robotic System for Mapping Abandoned Mines

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Author: David Ferguson, Aaron Morris, Dirk Hähnel, Christopher Baker, Zachary Omohundro, Carlos Reverte, Scott Thayer, Charles Whittaker, William Whittaker, Wolfram Burgard, Sebastian Thrun

Abstract: We present the software architecture of a robotic system for mapping abandoned mines. The software is capable of acquiring consistent 2D maps of large mines with many cycles, represented as Markov random £elds. 3D C-space maps are acquired from local 3D range scans, which are used to identify navigable paths using A* search. Our system has been deployed in three abandoned mines, two of which inaccessible to people, where it has acquired maps of unprecedented detail and accuracy. 1

reference text

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