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2 nips-2003-ARA*: Anytime A* with Provable Bounds on Sub-Optimality

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Author: Maxim Likhachev, Geoffrey J. Gordon, Sebastian Thrun

Abstract: In real world planning problems, time for deliberation is often limited. Anytime planners are well suited for these problems: they find a feasible solution quickly and then continually work on improving it until time runs out. In this paper we propose an anytime heuristic search, ARA*, which tunes its performance bound based on available search time. It starts by finding a suboptimal solution quickly using a loose bound, then tightens the bound progressively as time allows. Given enough time it finds a provably optimal solution. While improving its bound, ARA* reuses previous search efforts and, as a result, is significantly more efficient than other anytime search methods. In addition to our theoretical analysis, we demonstrate the practical utility of ARA* with experiments on a simulated robot kinematic arm and a dynamic path planning problem for an outdoor rover. 1

reference text

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