nips nips2002 nips2002-188 nips2002-188-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Tilman Lange, Mikio L. Braun, Volker Roth, Joachim M. Buhmann
Abstract: Model selection is linked to model assessment, which is the problem of comparing different models, or model parameters, for a specific learning task. For supervised learning, the standard practical technique is crossvalidation, which is not applicable for semi-supervised and unsupervised settings. In this paper, a new model assessment scheme is introduced which is based on a notion of stability. The stability measure yields an upper bound to cross-validation in the supervised case, but extends to semi-supervised and unsupervised problems. In the experimental part, the performance of the stability measure is studied for model order selection in comparison to standard techniques in this area.
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