nips nips2002 nips2002-167 nips2002-167-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Corinna Cortes, Patrick Haffner, Mehryar Mohri
Abstract: We introduce a general family of kernels based on weighted transducers or rational relations, rational kernels, that can be used for analysis of variable-length sequences or more generally weighted automata, in applications such as computational biology or speech recognition. We show that rational kernels can be computed efficiently using a general algorithm of composition of weighted transducers and a general single-source shortest-distance algorithm. We also describe several general families of positive definite symmetric rational kernels. These general kernels can be combined with Support Vector Machines to form efficient and powerful techniques for spoken-dialog classification: highly complex kernels become easy to design and implement and lead to substantial improvements in the classification accuracy. We also show that the string kernels considered in applications to computational biology are all specific instances of rational kernels.
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