nips nips2002 nips2002-83 nips2002-83-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Gal Chechik, Naftali Tishby
Abstract: The problem of extracting the relevant aspects of data, in face of multiple conflicting structures, is inherent to modeling of complex data. Extracting structure in one random variable that is relevant for another variable has been principally addressed recently via the information bottleneck method [15]. However, such auxiliary variables often contain more information than is actually required due to structures that are irrelevant for the task. In many other cases it is in fact easier to specify what is irrelevant than what is, for the task at hand. Identifying the relevant structures, however, can thus be considerably improved by also minimizing the information about another, irrelevant, variable. In this paper we give a general formulation of this problem and derive its formal, as well as algorithmic, solution. Its operation is demonstrated in a synthetic example and in two real world problems in the context of text categorization and face images. While the original information bottleneck problem is related to rate distortion theory, with the distortion measure replaced by the relevant information, extracting relevant features while removing irrelevant ones is related to rate distortion with side information.
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