nips nips2001 nips2001-115 nips2001-115-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

115 nips-2001-Linear-time inference in Hierarchical HMMs

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Author: Kevin P. Murphy, Mark A. Paskin

Abstract: The hierarchical hidden Markov model (HHMM) is a generalization of the hidden Markov model (HMM) that models sequences with structure at many length/time scales [FST98]. Unfortunately, the original infertime, where is ence algorithm is rather complicated, and takes the length of the sequence, making it impractical for many domains. In this paper, we show how HHMMs are a special kind of dynamic Bayesian network (DBN), and thereby derive a much simpler inference algorithm, which only takes time. Furthermore, by drawing the connection between HHMMs and DBNs, we enable the application of many standard approximation techniques to further speed up inference. ¥ ©§ £ ¨¦¥¤¢ © £ ¦¥¤¢

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