nips nips2001 nips2001-55 nips2001-55-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Eyal Even-dar, Yishay Mansour
Abstract: Vie sho,v the convergence of tV/O deterministic variants of Qlearning. The first is the widely used optimistic Q-learning, which initializes the Q-values to large initial values and then follows a greedy policy with respect to the Q-values. We show that setting the initial value sufficiently large guarantees the converges to an Eoptimal policy. The second is a new and novel algorithm incremental Q-learning, which gradually promotes the values of actions that are not taken. We show that incremental Q-learning converges, in the limit, to the optimal policy. Our incremental Q-learning algorithm can be viewed as derandomization of the E-greedy Q-learning. 1
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