nips nips2001 nips2001-25 nips2001-25-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Manfred K. Warmuth, Gunnar Rätsch, Michael Mathieson, Jun Liao, Christian Lemmen
Abstract: We investigate the following data mining problem from Computational Chemistry: From a large data set of compounds, find those that bind to a target molecule in as few iterations of biological testing as possible. In each iteration a comparatively small batch of compounds is screened for binding to the target. We apply active learning techniques for selecting the successive batches. One selection strategy picks unlabeled examples closest to the maximum margin hyperplane. Another produces many weight vectors by running perceptrons over multiple permutations of the data. Each weight vector votes with its prediction and we pick the unlabeled examples for which the prediction is most evenly split between and . For a third selection strategy note that each unlabeled example bisects the version space of consistent weight vectors. We estimate the volume on both sides of the split by bouncing a billiard through the version space and select unlabeled examples that cause the most even split of the version space. We demonstrate that on two data sets provided by DuPont Pharmaceuticals that all three selection strategies perform comparably well and are much better than selecting random batches for testing. § © ¨
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