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Author: Colin Campbell, Kristin P. Bennett
Abstract: Novelty detection involves modeling the normal behaviour of a system hence enabling detection of any divergence from normality. It has potential applications in many areas such as detection of machine damage or highlighting abnormal features in medical data. One approach is to build a hypothesis estimating the support of the normal data i. e. constructing a function which is positive in the region where the data is located and negative elsewhere. Recently kernel methods have been proposed for estimating the support of a distribution and they have performed well in practice - training involves solution of a quadratic programming problem. In this paper we propose a simpler kernel method for estimating the support based on linear programming. The method is easy to implement and can learn large datasets rapidly. We demonstrate the method on medical and fault detection datasets. 1 Introduction. An important classification task is the ability to distinguish b etween new instances similar to m embers of the training set and all other instances that can occur. For example, we may want to learn the normal running behaviour of a machine and highlight any significant divergence from normality which may indicate onset of damage or faults. This issue is a generic problem in many fields. For example, an abnormal event or feature in medical diagnostic data typically leads to further investigation. Novel events can be highlighted by constructing a real-valued density estimation function. However, here we will consider the simpler task of modelling the support of a data distribution i.e. creating a binary-valued function which is positive in those regions of input space where the data predominantly lies and negative elsewhere. Recently kernel methods have been applied to this problem [4]. In this approach data is implicitly mapped to a high-dimensional space called feature space [13]. Suppose the data points in input space are X i (with i = 1, . . . , m) and the mapping is Xi --+ ¢;(Xi) then in the span of {¢;(Xi)}, we can expand a vector w = Lj cr.j¢;(Xj). Hence we can define separating hyperplanes in feature space by w . ¢;(x;) + b = O. We will refer to w . ¢;(Xi) + b as the margin which will be positive on one side of the separating hyperplane and negative on the other. Thus we can also define a decision function: (1) where z is a new data point. The data appears in the form of an inner product in feature space so we can implicitly define feature space by our choice of kernel function: (2) A number of choices for the kernel are possible, for example, RBF kernels: (3) With the given kernel the decision function is therefore given by: (4) One approach to novelty detection is to find a hypersphere in feature space with a minimal radius R and centre a which contains most of the data: novel test points lie outside the boundary of this hypersphere [3 , 12] . This approach to novelty detection was proposed by Tax and Duin [10] and successfully used on real life applications [11] . The effect of outliers is reduced by using slack variables to allow for datapoints outside the sphere and the task is to minimise the volume of the sphere and number of datapoints outside i.e. e i mIll s.t. [R2 + oX L i ei 1 (Xi - a) . (Xi - a) S R2 + e ei i, ~ a (5) Since the data appears in the form of inner products kernel substitution can be applied and the learning task can be reduced to a quadratic programming problem. An alternative approach has been developed by Scholkopf et al. [7]. Suppose we restricted our attention to RBF kernels (3) then the data lies on the surface of a hypersphere in feature space since ¢;(x) . ¢;(x) = K(x , x) = l. The objective is therefore to separate off the surface region constaining data from the region containing no data. This is achieved by constructing a hyperplane which is maximally distant from the origin with all datapoints lying on the opposite side from the origin and such that the margin is positive. The learning task in dual form involves minimisation of: mIll s.t. W(cr.) = t L7,'k=l cr.icr.jK(Xi, Xj) a S cr.i S C, L::1 cr.i = l. (6) However, the origin plays a special role in this model. As the authors point out [9] this is a disadvantage since the origin effectively acts as a prior for where the class of abnormal instances is assumed to lie. In this paper we avoid this problem: rather than repelling the hyperplane away from an arbitrary point outside the data distribution we instead try and attract the hyperplane towards the centre of the data distribution. In this paper we will outline a new algorithm for novelty detection which can be easily implemented using linear programming (LP) techniques. As we illustrate in section 3 it performs well in practice on datasets involving the detection of abnormalities in medical data and fault detection in condition monitoring. 2 The Algorithm For the hard margin case (see Figure 1) the objective is to find a surface in input space which wraps around the data clusters: anything outside this surface is viewed as abnormal. This surface is defined as the level set, J(z) = 0, of some nonlinear function. In feature space, J(z) = L; O'.;K(z, x;) + b, this corresponds to a hyperplane which is pulled onto the mapped datapoints with the restriction that the margin always remains positive or zero. We make the fit of this nonlinear function or hyperplane as tight as possible by minimizing the mean value of the output of the function, i.e., Li J(x;). This is achieved by minimising: (7) subject to: m LO'.jK(x;,Xj) + b 2:: 0 (8) j=l m L 0'.; = 1, 0'.; 2:: 0 (9) ;=1 The bias b is just treated as an additional parameter in the minimisation process though unrestricted in sign. The added constraints (9) on 0'. bound the class of models to be considered - we don't want to consider simple linear rescalings of the model. These constraints amount to a choice of scale for the weight vector normal to the hyperplane in feature space and hence do not impose a restriction on the model. Also, these constraints ensure that the problem is well-posed and that an optimal solution with 0'. i- 0 exists. Other constraints on the class of functions are possible, e.g. 110'.111 = 1 with no restriction on the sign of O'.i. Many real-life datasets contain noise and outliers. To handle these we can introduce a soft margin in analogy to the usual approach used with support vector machines. In this case we minimise: (10) subject to: m LO:jJ{(Xi , Xj)+b~-ei' ei~O (11) j=l and constraints (9). The parameter). controls the extent of margin errors (larger ). means fewer outliers are ignored: ). -+ 00 corresponds to the hard margin limit). The above problem can be easily solved for problems with thousands of points using standard simplex or interior point algorithms for linear programming. With the addition of column generation techniques, these same approaches can be adopted for very large problems in which the kernel matrix exceeds the capacity of main memory. Column generation algorithms incrementally add and drop columns each corresponding to a single kernel function until optimality is reached. Such approaches have been successfully applied to other support vector problems [6 , 2]. Basic simplex algorithms were sufficient for the problems considered in this paper, so we defer a listing of the code for column generation to a later paper together with experiments on large datasets [1]. 3 Experiments Artificial datasets. Before considering experiments on real-life data we will first illustrate the performance of the algorithm on some artificial datasets. In Figure 1 the algorithm places a boundary around two data clusters in input space: a hard margin was used with RBF kernels and (J
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