jmlr jmlr2013 jmlr2013-97 jmlr2013-97-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Chao Zhang, Dacheng Tao
Abstract: L´ vy processes refer to a class of stochastic processes, for example, Poisson processes and Browe nian motions, and play an important role in stochastic processes and machine learning. Therefore, it is essential to study risk bounds of the learning process for time-dependent samples drawn from a L´ vy process (or briefly called learning process for L´ vy process). It is noteworthy that samples e e in this learning process are not independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.). Therefore, results in traditional statistical learning theory are not applicable (or at least cannot be applied directly), because they are obtained under the sample-i.i.d. assumption. In this paper, we study risk bounds of the learning process for time-dependent samples drawn from a L´ vy process, and then analyze the e asymptotical behavior of the learning process. In particular, we first develop the deviation inequalities and the symmetrization inequality for the learning process. By using the resultant inequalities, we then obtain the risk bounds based on the covering number. Finally, based on the resulting risk bounds, we study the asymptotic convergence and the rate of convergence of the learning process for L´ vy process. Meanwhile, we also give a comparison to the related results under the samplee i.i.d. assumption. Keywords: L´ vy process, risk bound, deviation inequality, symmetrization inequality, statistical e learning theory, time-dependent
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