jmlr jmlr2012 jmlr2012-103 jmlr2012-103-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

103 jmlr-2012-Sampling Methods for the Nyström Method

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Author: Sanjiv Kumar, Mehryar Mohri, Ameet Talwalkar

Abstract: The Nystr¨ m method is an efficient technique to generate low-rank matrix approximations and is o used in several large-scale learning applications. A key aspect of this method is the procedure according to which columns are sampled from the original matrix. In this work, we explore the efficacy of a variety of fixed and adaptive sampling schemes. We also propose a family of ensemble-based sampling algorithms for the Nystr¨ m method. We report results of extensive experiments o that provide a detailed comparison of various fixed and adaptive sampling techniques, and demonstrate the performance improvement associated with the ensemble Nystr¨ m method when used in o conjunction with either fixed or adaptive sampling schemes. Corroborating these empirical findings, we present a theoretical analysis of the Nystr¨ m method, providing novel error bounds guaro anteeing a better convergence rate of the ensemble Nystr¨ m method in comparison to the standard o Nystr¨ m method. o Keywords: low-rank approximation, nystr¨ m method, ensemble methods, large-scale learning o

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