jmlr jmlr2008 jmlr2008-85 jmlr2008-85-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

85 jmlr-2008-Shark    (Machine Learning Open Source Software Paper)

Source: pdf

Author: Christian Igel, Verena Heidrich-Meisner, Tobias Glasmachers

Abstract: SHARK is an object-oriented library for the design of adaptive systems. It comprises methods for single- and multi-objective optimization (e.g., evolutionary and gradient-based algorithms) as well as kernel-based methods, neural networks, and other machine learning techniques. Keywords: machine learning software, neural networks, kernel-methods, evolutionary algorithms, optimization, multi-objective-optimization 1. Overview SHARK is a modular C++ library for the design and optimization of adaptive systems. It serves as a toolbox for real world applications and basic research in computational intelligence and machine learning. The library provides methods for single- and multi-objective optimization, in particular evolutionary and gradient-based algorithms, kernel-based learning methods, neural networks, and many other machine learning techniques. Its main design criteria are flexibility and speed. Here we restrict the description of SHARK to its core components, albeit the library contains plenty of additional functionality. Further information can be obtained from the HTML documentation and tutorials. More than 60 illustrative example programs serve as starting points for using SHARK. 2. Basic Tools—Rng, Array, and LinAlg The library provides general auxiliary functions and data structures for the development of machine learning algorithms. The Rng module generates reproducible and platform independent sequences of pseudo random numbers, which can be drawn from 14 predefined discrete and continuous parametric distributions. The Array class provides dynamical array templates of arbitrary type and dimension as well as basic operations acting on these templates. LinAlg implements linear algebra algorithms such as matrix inversion and singular value decomposition. 3. ReClaM—Regression and Classification Methods The goal of the ReClaM module is to provide machine learning algorithms for supervised classification and regression in a unified, modular framework. It is built like a construction kit, where the main building blocks are adaptive data processing models, error functions, and optimization c 2008 Christian Igel, Verena Heidrich-Meisner and Tobias Glasmachers. I GEL , H EIDRICH -M EISNER AND G LASMACHERS 8 90736D 3 ¨¥¨¥¥£ ¡ §§©§¦¤¢  init(...) optimize(...) E 8973 B@ 6 4C3 A 86 973 543 %$#¨!

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