jmlr jmlr2006 jmlr2006-83 jmlr2006-83-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Peter Bühlmann, Bin Yu
Abstract: We propose Sparse Boosting (the SparseL2 Boost algorithm), a variant on boosting with the squared error loss. SparseL2 Boost yields sparser solutions than the previously proposed L2 Boosting by minimizing some penalized L2 -loss functions, the FPE model selection criteria, through smallstep gradient descent. Although boosting may give already relatively sparse solutions, for example corresponding to the soft-thresholding estimator in orthogonal linear models, there is sometimes a desire for more sparseness to increase prediction accuracy and ability for better variable selection: such goals can be achieved with SparseL2 Boost. We prove an equivalence of SparseL2 Boost to Breiman’s nonnegative garrote estimator for orthogonal linear models and demonstrate the generic nature of SparseL2 Boost for nonparametric interaction modeling. For an automatic selection of the tuning parameter in SparseL2 Boost we propose to employ the gMDL model selection criterion which can also be used for early stopping of L2 Boosting. Consequently, we can select between SparseL2 Boost and L2 Boosting by comparing their gMDL scores. Keywords: lasso, minimum description length (MDL), model selection, nonnegative garrote, regression
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