jmlr jmlr2005 jmlr2005-50 jmlr2005-50-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

50 jmlr-2005-Learning with Decision Lists of Data-Dependent Features

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Author: Mario Marchand, Marina Sokolova

Abstract: We present a learning algorithm for decision lists which allows features that are constructed from the data and allows a trade-off between accuracy and complexity. We provide bounds on the generalization error of this learning algorithm in terms of the number of errors and the size of the classifier it finds on the training data. We also compare its performance on some natural data sets with the set covering machine and the support vector machine. Furthermore, we show that the proposed bounds on the generalization error provide effective guides for model selection. Keywords: decision list machines, set covering machines, sparsity, data-dependent features, sample compression, model selection, learning theory

reference text

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