iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-445 iccv2013-445-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

445 iccv-2013-Visual Reranking through Weakly Supervised Multi-graph Learning

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Author: Cheng Deng, Rongrong Ji, Wei Liu, Dacheng Tao, Xinbo Gao

Abstract: Visual reranking has been widely deployed to refine the quality of conventional content-based image retrieval engines. The current trend lies in employing a crowd of retrieved results stemming from multiple feature modalities to boost the overall performance of visual reranking. However, a major challenge pertaining to current reranking methods is how to take full advantage of the complementary property of distinct feature modalities. Given a query image and one feature modality, a regular visual reranking framework treats the top-ranked images as pseudo positive instances which are inevitably noisy, difficult to reveal this complementary property, and thus lead to inferior ranking performance. This paper proposes a novel image reranking approach by introducing a Co-Regularized Multi-Graph Learning (Co-RMGL) framework, in which the intra-graph and inter-graph constraints are simultaneously imposed to encode affinities in a single graph and consistency across different graphs. Moreover, weakly supervised learning driven by image attributes is performed to denoise the pseudo- labeled instances, thereby highlighting the unique strength of individual feature modality. Meanwhile, such learning can yield a few anchors in graphs that vitally enable the alignment and fusion of multiple graphs. As a result, an edge weight matrix learned from the fused graph automatically gives the ordering to the initially retrieved results. We evaluate our approach on four benchmark image retrieval datasets, demonstrating a significant performance gain over the state-of-the-arts.

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