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349 iccv-2013-Regionlets for Generic Object Detection

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Author: Xiaoyu Wang, Ming Yang, Shenghuo Zhu, Yuanqing Lin

Abstract: Generic object detection is confronted by dealing with different degrees of variations in distinct object classes with tractable computations, which demands for descriptive and flexible object representations that are also efficient to evaluate for many locations. In view of this, we propose to model an object class by a cascaded boosting classifier which integrates various types of features from competing local regions, named as regionlets. A regionlet is a base feature extraction region defined proportionally to a detection window at an arbitrary resolution (i.e. size and aspect ratio). These regionlets are organized in small groups with stable relative positions to delineate fine-grained spatial layouts inside objects. Their features are aggregated to a one-dimensional feature within one group so as to tolerate deformations. Then we evaluate the object bounding box proposal in selective search from segmentation cues, limiting the evaluation locations to thousands. Our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art on popular multi-class detection benchmark datasets with a single method, without any contexts. It achieves the detec- tion mean average precision of 41. 7% on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset and 39. 7% on the VOC 2010 for 20 object categories. It achieves 14. 7% mean average precision on the ImageNet dataset for 200 object categories, outperforming the latest deformable part-based model (DPM) by 4. 7%.

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